Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The South Rim - One More Day

We spent over a week on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and hiked and biked a bit so I took many more pictures.

One day we looked out the back window of our camper and notice elk wandering around the campground. When we were in Yellowstone a herd of buffalo wandered past our camper, and we were happy to see elk this time.

There weren't any bull elk here, but we I stayed back anyway.

We drove to the laundromat in the campground and just happened upon these bull elk, so Bob borrowed my cellphone to take these pictures. In the last picture you can see me sitting safely in our nice big strong truck. I'm not taking a chance with those huge animals!

Our friends Michael and Robin told us about a nice little road they found on the south rim and we decided to hike it one Saturday morning. At the end of the road we found some people preparing for a wedding. What a beautiful place for a wedding!

Their menu was posted on a sign board, and the pole beside it listed cities that we assumed the guests were from. I checked, but neither Blain or Steelton were listed.

The runner (held down with handy rocks) led to the rim of the canyon.

What a beautiful backdrop for wedding pictures!

Somebody had a sense of humor here!

Bob did mind the gap!

So now you've visited the Grand Canyon with us, and I hope you enjoyed our visit as much as we did.

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