Thursday, March 3, 2016

Teton Crest Trail - Day 3

Once again it was around 30° when we woke up, so we hurried to make our coffee, pack our gear and start that climb. Day 3 is always a good day for us on this trail because we know what's ahead, and trust me, it's worth hiking to see.

Sunset Lake looks small from here, and if you zoom in you can see a few tents scattered around. Our camp site was in the larger cluster of trees on the right, nestled on a small hill.

We had a nice surprise when we got to the top of the hill. Two little marmots were playing nearby, and they didn't seem very upset when we walked past.

You can see a little bit of Utah off to the West.

Another sign assuring us that we're still on the trail. Apparently some people were upset because firearms aren't allowed in the National Park.  Every sign had firearms either scratched off or covered with duct tape.

Here we are! We made our goal, and those are the GRAND TETONS behind us. This is Hurricane Pass, which sounds scary, and probably is at certain times of the year, but we love it here. It's windy, and a bit on the cold side, but the sun was shining, and we were very happy.

Aren't they just beautiful? This is the side of the Tetons you can't see while driving past in Grand Teton National Park. You have to work for this view. (Or see in on our blog!)

We met some young hikers who are getting ready to head down into the South Fork of Cascade Canyon. It's all down hill from here, but it's not always easy heading down!

This is were we're heading, past that lake with a cut in it's side. It's a glacier filled lake, and the trail goes just to the left of it.

Just another view of this beautiful part of our country.

You can see the trail here, and it winds around and down. It's steep at times, but really not too bad. The worst part is going past the lake, and the glacier that looks like it's ready to slip off the mountain at any time!

One last look at the beautiful Grand Tetons.

We're heading down the South Fork now.

I found another wildflower just nestled in the rocks.

We're below the tree line now, and our camp site for the night is at the lower end of the camping zone, down a little hill beside the creek. It was a really nice area, but it's much harder to see bears now that there are trees around us again.

I'm still knitting, and the chairs we made from our sleeping bag pads are pretty comfy to sit on to knit or read in the evening. It's warmer here too, so we didn't have to wear our boots all the time, and it felt good.

This is our last night on the trail, and we still haven't seen any bears, so I'm happy. Tomorrow we head to Jenny Lake and some ice cream, and real food!

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