Friday, February 26, 2016

The Grand Tetons!

We drove, and drove, and drove, and finally reached our destination: The Grand Tetons. We hiked The Teton Crest Trail a few years ago, and we decided to hike it again, with less aches, pains, etc.

Bob and I have never, ever seen a live, in the flesh bighorn sheep. Ever. We were beginning to think that bighorn sheep are in the unicorn family, but on our way to the Tetons we were told that we would certainly see bighorn sheep here, at their winter range. Naturally we drove down the long, bumpy dirt road to see these sheep. We waited an hour or so for the sheep to come to graze, and then we gave up and decided to drive back to our camper.

We drove around a bend and this is what we saw. Beef! We can see these at home any time we look out the window! Who's hiding those big horn sheep? Are they real?

We decided that big horn sheep are fiction, and pushed on to Grand Teton National Park. It's beautiful, and we love it here.

There's a road near the national park that's well known as a good place to see bears, so we drove the Moose Wilson Road, and look what we saw! A bear in a tree, eating berries, and watching humans driving past.

We saw three or four bears on that one trip down the road. I don't know what kind of berries they were eating, but the bears were either in the trees or on the ground under them. What fun!

When there's a bear spotting the news travels fast, and the traffic gets heavy.

Mr. Ranger wasn't happy, because too many people get out of their cars for a chance to get a great picture of a hungry black bear. The next day the road was closed to all humans.

We could see the top of the Tetons from our camp site, and moose came every evening to graze around the campground.

We stayed here for a few days to adjust to the higher altitude before we started our hike. The next post will be our four day, three night hike in The Grand Tetons. I always hope the bears stay away when we hike. We shall see.

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