Sunday, February 28, 2016

Teton Crest Trail - Day 1

When we hiked the Teton Crest Trail a few years ago we had a hard time with our heavy packs. Mine weighed 35 pounds, and Bob's weighed 47 pounds. When we decided to try it again we knew we had to lighten our loads, which we did. This time mine weighed 27 pounds, and Bob's weighed 35 pounds. We also had new, lighter packs, and we thought this would do the trick.

We started the hike at Teton Village, and took the tram to the top of the mountain. It saves a lot of hard, uphill hiking, and it's the recommended route. The RV campground host shuttled us to the tram, and he thought we were crazy to attempt this hike.

Our packs look huge, but they're so much lighter than the last time we hiked the trail. We were ready!

Bob really enjoys the ride up the tram, but I'm afraid of heights and it's not a fun ride for me.

Jackson Hole does look beautiful from up here near the top of the mountain.

This is the start of the trail, and it looks pretty easy. It's actually a road for maintaining the ski trails at Teton Village, and just happens to lead to the trail.

Here we go, our first sign that we're on the trail, and it's only 6.2 miles to Marion Lake, our first night's camp site. Unfortunately, it's not flat hiking, so we know there are a lot of hills between us and Marion Lake, and our packs are feeling much heavier than the scale says they weigh.

It's a nice trail, easy to follow, and the scenery is beautiful, so we just kept at it and hoped we'd see Marion Lake soon and get first pick of the three camp sites there.  See those people in the picture?   They were a young couple that just skipped on past us. Bob asked how far they're going and they happily told us they were going to Marion Lake.  There goes our plan to get first pick!

It's day one and Bob has already decided that this is not the pack for him. Too bad Bob, you have to carry it for three more days. I can't leave him behind because he has all the food in his pack, plus the BEAR SPRAY!

This is a good sign: Marion Lake is only 2.1 miles ahead, and Hurricane Pass, my favorite part of the trail, is 12.9 miles away. Keep on hiking.

Can it be? Is that actually Marion Lake just ahead?

It sure is, but the trail keeps going.

We made it to the lake, and we had our choice of two camp sites. It was very cold, and very windy, so we actually chose the same site we had a few years ago.  It wasn't too bad in our tent wearing three shirts and my trusty down jacket. I was determined to knit a hat for Quinn while I hiked the Teton Crest Trail, so I got started right away.

No bears spotted today, so I was happy. If I keep making enough noise we just might make it without seeing any!  We have three days and 2 more nights to go.

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