Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Our Western Trip - 2015

Instead of going to Maine this year, we decided to drive across America and visit the people and places we've always wanted to see. Our first stop was in Dallas City, Illinois to visit our friends Jess and Doris, who live on a huge farm.

No, I didn't take a picture of the farm, but this is their pretty house on the farm.

They took us on a tour of Navoo, where the Mormon Church started. The Mormons restored Navoo, and offer a really nice, interesting tour of their town.

The Mormon Church visitor's center in Navoo.

Navoo is such a pretty little town. This was Bringham Young's home.

Our friends are bike riders, big time bike riders, and are involved in bike races, etc. in Illinois. They've told us about a hill that bikers ride during the bike races, and said it's a huge challenge. Illinois is a fairly flat state, but these hills are like Pennsylvania hills! They go UP! The picture above is in Burlington, Iowa, and it's called Cobblestone Alley. I can't imagine riding a bike up that!

This is a very poor picture of Snake Alley, which is also in Burlington. It's paved in brick, and it's a smaller version of Lombard Street. No, I won't ride my bike up Snake Alley either!

We went to Springfield, to see Harry and Dixie's farm. Dixie is an artist and she also has a green thumb. Just look at those beautiful zinnias!

Dixie painted the flag and Lincoln on their barn, and I really think we should invite Dixie to our farm and put a tall ladder against the barn so she can paint something on our barn too! Zoom in to see Lincoln, he's so cute! That's Bob, Jess, and Harry discussing the likelihood of that happening. Ha!

While we were in Springfield we ate this delicious dish. It's called a Pony Shoe, and it's the most delicious artery clogging food you'd ever want to eat. Imagine a slice of bread (or toast?) with your choice of meat on top (I chose gyro meat), covered with fries, and a delicious cheese sauce on top! Sooo good! If you're really hungry you can order a Horse Shoe, and I'd hate to see how big a Horse Shoe is!

Bob really like Jess's huge tractor and combine, and Jess left him sit in the driver's seat for a virtual drive through the fields. Bob's dream is to go back during harvest and ride in that monster with Jess.

Before we left Illinois Doris and Jess took us to their favorite pizza restaurant for a BLT pizza. It was outstanding, and I hope I can soon order one at Zeiderelli's at home!

Thanks for the tour of Illinois, Jess, Doris, Harry, and Dixie. We even got to see Jerry and Ann while we were there, and we had a grand time visiting with all of you!

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