Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Florida Keys

Everyone loves the Keys, and we headed south to have a look for ourselves.

It’s hard to see from this picture, but the water is crystal clear and an amazing shade of green. 

We found an RV park that looked very appealing.
There was a dock for boaters, with a beach just past the dock.

The beach.

There were coconut palms with coconuts hanging up there.  Nobody seemed to worry about a coconut falling on their RV, or head!

Some of the RVers here were very creative.  We found someone making fish out of coconuts, so we bought one from him and named the fish Keyper.  He also made a little roof for his bike. _MG_3766
For anyone wanting to fish there was a bridge just a few steps from the campground.

Bob’s giving it a try and hoping he’s luckier than he was in Yellowstone.

Hmmm, I wonder why this guy is keeping such close tabs on Bob.

This is why!  He caught snappers and they’re very tasty!

After Bob’s successful fishing venture we headed further south to Key West.

Isn't this house great?  It's the oldest house in Key West.  I could live there, at least in the winter!

We toured Ernest Hemingway’s house.  It has all the original furnishings, and is supposed to look just like it did when he lived here.  It’s a very large, beautiful house.  

Hemingway collected six toes cats and they’re all over the house. There are at least 50 cats in the house.  50 too many for me!  Anyway, Hemingway’s second wife, Pauline, chose all the furnishings.  The pineapple lamps caught my eye and I never would have guessed that they were bought in the 1930’s.

The garden was very lush, and the ironwork on the balcony was so pretty.

Henmingway's office, with his typewriter.  I couldn’t see if it was a Corona.

We walked south until we reached the end of the road.

It was a nice day, and not too hot, but you can tell by the flowers blooming everywhere that it doesn’t get very cold in Key West.

This is not the original Sloppy Joe’s that Hemingway went to, but they have the original bar inside.

We went to Mallory Square to watch the sun set and found it filled with people doing and selling everything you can imagine.

You can see the sunset from the sea on this nice sailing ship.  

There were interesting entertaining unusual acts everywhere, including this escape artist.

You can’t see him in this photo, but there’s a guy that’s going to run and jump through the hoop on this girl’s back and land on “these hard bricks”.  I thought that guy was amazing!  

Here’s the sunset, or what we could see of it since the clouds just happen to roll in at sunset.  Oh well, I guess we’ll have to come back! 

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