There’s the plane, and it’s on time!
Here they are!
Jaime and Conner came to stay with us for a few days and see why we like Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park so much. Katie and her daddy stayed at home in Florida.
Jaime and her family live in Tampa, on the Gulf coast, and Jaime wanted Conner to see the Atlantic Ocean. We took them to Sand Beach in Acadia for a look.
Conner asked if the water was cold and we went to test it and see.
Grammy had as much fun doing this as Conner did!
We had to watch that wave because his mommy didn’t want him to have wet feet.
Let’s try it again!
Next we drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain. It was cold, and windy, but it’s so pretty up there on a clear day.
Jaime’s so proud of her sweet little boy.
He’s such a cutie.
Jaime, Grammy, Conner, and Pappy at the top of Cadillac Mountain.
Jaime and Bob wanted to hike, so Conner and I took the bus to town. I didn’t get any pictures of him on the bus, but he loved his first bus ride.
Yes, he took her up The Beehive, and she loved it. Fortunately, neither Jaime or Beth have inherited my fear of heights.
It was a beautiful day so, after their hike, we had lunch at Jordon Pond. There’s Conner and his cheesy grin and bunny hands again.
This boy LOVES ice cream!!
I told Conner that when he came to visit in Acadia we’d take them for a carriage ride. Unfortunately it was cold and rainy but, when you promise a carriage ride you go on the carriage ride, no matter what the weather is like. Conner likes my Steelers hat!
The girls in the stable took Conner to meet the horses because he was a good little boy while we waited.
He’s ready, slicker, Steelers hat, jacket, sweatshirt, and all.
Doesn’t this look like it’s going to be fun?
The carriage was pretty. It was like a private ride because everyone else cancelled because of the rain.
When the ride was over, and we were cold and wet, I asked Conner if he had fun and he answered, in his loud little boy voice, “I really did!” That made it all worth while.
We found this cute little lobster one morning.
Conner loves his Pappy, and is happiest when he holds Pappy’s hand.
Next on our list: lobster dinner!
That’s a lot of lobster for a four year old.
He had fun with the claw, but ate most of the 2 1/2 pound lobster. That kid can eat for such a skinny little guy!
Conner inherited the Thomas sweet tooth, so there were marshmallows that needed to be toasted.
We had a fun visit with Jaime and Conner and hated to see them go.
We’re hoping that Beth comes to see us next year when we’re in Acadia. Hint, hint!
I loved these pictures. It made me happy to see the fun you had with Jaime and Conner. What a wonderful little guy he is. Barb