We found a really nice campground near Boston called Minuteman Campground. It was only about 30-35 miles from Boston, but so peaceful and quiet.
Since we were so close, a trip to Salem was in order. This old cemetery was attracting a lot of attention so we took another look.
The cemetery had a memorial for the people condemned to death as witches. Each stone had someone’s name carved on it and how they were killed. A rose and piece of rosemary were placed on the stone. Rosemary…for remembrance.
This one seemed particularly gruesome to me.
I forget how many witches were memorialized here, but there were at least 20, I think.

Wow! This witch looks pretty scary!!! Mean too!
Salem is home to a small National Historic Site along it’s harbor, so we toured the full sized replica of the three masted square rigged East Indiaman FRIENDSHIP.
Bob found the construction of the ship very interesting. I guess it’s because he worked on rebuilding our chicken house all summer long.
It takes a lot of rope to operate one of these ships.
I don’t think I could ever figure out where everything went, or what each rope was for.
We also toured Salem’s Customs House. Every piece of goods the Colonies traded for came through this Customs House.
Nathaniel Hawthorne worked here, and it was here that he got his inspiration for The Scarlet Letter.
Mr. Hawthorne had an excellent view of the harbor, if he got bored.
This is The House of the Seven Gables, also in Salem.
OK, enough of Salem, we want to go to Boston!
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