All it took was this dusting of snow to convince us that it was time to get out of there!
We headed south, like the rest of the snowbirds on I-81, and made a few stops along the way in friendly campgrounds.
We followed the sun to Orlando and stayed with Mickey Mouse at Fort Wilderness Campground. Oh my, it is really fun camping with Mickey and, after one day, we extended our reservations from one week to two. We only went to the “parks” twice, but had a great time walking, running, and riding our bikes to explore this huge place.
We did go to Universal Studios one day and I thought the Dr. Seuss area was exceptionally colorful and cute.
The main reason we went to Universal Studios was to see the Harry Potter attractions. We found platform 9 3/4 and I wanted to ride to Hogwarts. The train was fake!
It was very, very crowded, but this section was fun, at least it seemed to be when the crowd parted enough for us to see.
The parcels in the Owl Post were cleverly wrapped.
Isn’t he cute!!
There it is! Yes! There’s the castle!! Too bad it took two hours of waiting in line to get in. TWO HOURS! After we finally got into the castle we chose the single rider line or we would have had another hour wait. Unfortunately, this meant we didn’t get to see the inside of the castle. Someone wasn’t happy.
Oh look! Hogsmeade! The butter beer was very sweet but good, and the pumpkin juice was fun too.
Hagred’s hut looked just like it looks in the movie and my imagination. No, he wasn’t home the day we were there.
The carrousel was so cute. All the characters were just so true to the books but, Universal Studios, in my opinion, is just not as much fun as Disney. In our next post you’ll see why we like Mickey best.
I didn't know you went to see the Harry Potter exhibit. Did you get on any of the rides than the one? I wanted to see it and then read it was mainly 3 rides and stores so I didn't bother because I don't like Universal. It's a disappointing place. Went once and was so disappointed that I won't go back but was tempted by Harry.