It amazes us how they find such nice bike trails, and some of them even have a place to have a picnic at the end of the trail.
As you can see, the Courtney Campbell trail is very nice. And, except for a bridge, it's flat!
That's us, all helmeted up, and ready to roll.
The bike gang from Hidden River. A bunch of nice people!
Katie turned four while we were there, and she wanted an ice cream cake.
Pappy and Conner like ice cream, so Jaime gave them big pieces.
Gerry, Bob, and Harry. Notice Bob's rare photo smile!!!
We went canoeing on an alligator infested river. Never lean sideways in a canoe on an alligator infested river, and keep your fingers and toes in the boat!!
It's tricky canoeing!
Yes, that's a gator on that log. A LIVE gator!!
What do you do after you finish canoeing? You eat!!
We're ready for another bike ride, and this trail was again very, very nice.
That's Doris on the left. Pictures of Doris are rare because she always has her camera ready.
See what I mean? Where's Doris?
We took Conner to the museum, and I found these two handsome guys there!!
Standing on the dock of the bay, wasting time.
The huge tree is a kapok tree,
and this is a flower from the kapok tree. Beautiful, and huge!
Conner played soccer, and loved it.
What he lacked in skills he made up for in enthusiasm, and we were proud when he was won this award.
We always have fun with our family and friends in Florida, and can’t wait to see them all again!
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