We saw the Lower Falls when we were here before, but decided it was worth another look. It’s so pretty!
It’s really loud, and you can see them from far off.
Our next stop was Inspiration Point. It seems like there’s an Inspiration Point at every park.
This is Yellowstone National Park’s Inspiration Point. Stay tuned and you might see Inspiration Point again.
The boardwalks are great. You can see so much and don’t have to worry about walking where the “crust is thin.” Of course you see buffalo tracks everywhere, even where it’s “thin.” Buffalo can’t read you know.
Fountain Paint Pots were one of our favorites. They sound really cool too. Don’t you like Bob’s action photo?
This is a shot of the entire Fountain Paint Pot area.
I bet this is Silex Spring!
Ah, more buffalo. They’re everywhere!
This is just part of a large herd we saw. There must have been at least 300 buffalo in this herd.
Buffalo get itchy backs too!
Bob went fishing again, this time in Trout Lake. Don’t let the name fool you…there are NO trout in Trout Lake. A local told us that the family of otters that moved in had too many trout for lunch. It was a really nice hike though.
One morning we were sitting in our camper and Sue looked up and saw a herd of buffalo moseying though the camp ground!
This mom and calf just took their good old time walking through.
This bull buffalo was in a hurry to catch up with the rest of the gang.
Yes, we hiked up Mount Washburn again to look for those elusive big horn sheep. That’s the fire tower on top of the mountain.
Bob’s scanning the horizon for sheep.
Hello Jaime!. She knows how much we want to see those sheep. There’s better cell phone reception on the top of Mount Washburn than there is in Blain.
This sign tells us that this is the place to come if you want to see sheep. It’s a much nicer hike up this trail than the road we went up twice before.
Another fun hike was the trail to see Imperial Geyser. There weren’t many people on this trail, and you could walk right up to the hot springs.
Of course there were buffalo here too. They are every where in Yellowstone, remember?
Bob’s leading the way to guard me from bears, snakes, and other things I don’t want to see.
Here we are at Imperial Geyser. It erupts for a while, stops, and then gets going again.
Fairy Falls is just a short hike from Imperial Geyser.
Sometimes the Park Rangers shoo the buffalo off the road with their patrol cars.
Sue and Bob in front of Lower Falls
I was glad Uncle Tom wasn’t still taking people down the trail this way. Bob would have gone, but not me!
Ha! This isn’t very easy either. 328 steps down and then back up again. Are you kidding me???
Oh yeah, it was worth the 328 steps.
This dog reminded me of Charley from New Germantown, but his manners weren’t as good as Charley’s always are.
Another trip up Mount Washburn and what do we see? A prairie chicken.
This guy sees sheep all the time. He stays in the fire tower from June through October by himself and rarely comes down. He said he loves it up there and thinks thunderstorms are exciting.
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