Driving into Boston it doesn’t take long to see Marathon posters everywhere.
After a few wrong turns we arrive at our hotel.
The route to Hynes Convention center where Sue picked up her race packet takes us through the Prudential Center shopping area.
Another poster – we see them everywhere inside and out. Boston is celebrating the big race!
Maybe instead of picking up Sue’s BIB number and visiting the expo to buy her a Boston Marathon jacket we should buy some of these beautiful Russian nesting dolls.
Now she’s official with BIB number 21505. She will be running with 26,999 of her closest friends.
Sue looks happy wearing her shirt that comes with the race packet.
Another poster, they’re really nice.
Time to visit the Race Expo.
Adidas has a huge sales area and was selling lots of running clothes and Sue got her official marathon jacket. However, she can’t wear it until after running on Monday. Bad carma you know!
Hello Jaime! Which water bottle did you say you wanted?
Dinner at California Pizza.
They have an elevated walkway from the Marriott to the shopping area and convention center. It was cold and windy outside, but we didn’t need to go outside to get back to the hotel.
Here are a few pictures looking southwest from the window in our room. Time to get some rest, it’s been a long day.
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