Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lighthouses, Presidential Compounds and More

It was great at Bar Harbor and Acadia, but the campground was closing, and it was time to move on.  We’re heading home, and we'll make some stops along the way.

Kennebunkport!  That's where President George H.W. Bush and his Mrs. live.  Let's try to find their home!

These signs gave us a clue that we were close to something.

See that house way out there on the jetty?  That’s it!  It’s President Bush’s home.

We zoomed the lens in and we could see it a little better.

Isn’t it a nice house?  I could live there!

They have their own windmill and we could see their dock and pool.

We heard that President Bush and Barbara sometimes come out and wave if they see people looking, but it was a cold, dreary day so no celebrity sighting for us.

After driving along the coast a little further we saw Nubble Light and stopped for a look.

To get to this lighthouse you climb into the little cable car and pull yourself across.  I’d hate to live here and go grocery shopping.  I bet they have some powerful arm muscles!

Our next stop was Bennington Vermont where we found Bennington Potters.

They have a tour where we saw them take a huge chunk of their specially blended clay, put in in the press, and voilĂ , a nice plate or bowl is formed.

He carefully checked to make sure it looked ok

This guy was making long trays with this stack of clay.  You can see the cast offs in a pile on the left.

There were stacks and stacks of pots and bowls waiting to go in the ovens.

They also use pottery wheels to make other pieces, but nobody was working in that department the day we were there.  I really like pottery and walked out with a few items in my bag.

Our next stop was at a Sugar Shack in Arlington, Vermont. Norman Rockwell lived here and used the townspeople as models for his art.  

Some of the kids that modeled for Mr. Rockwell’s paintings still live in the area. Their adult photos were beside Rockwell's version of them as a child.

We bought some maple syrup, maple candy, and Vermont cheddar before moving on to New York.  Wait until you see what we found in New York!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Our Final Days in Acadia

It certainly was a lot quieter when Jaime and Conner left, but we found things to do to keep busy without them.
Jaime really wanted to see a moose while she was in Maine, and when we were driving them to the airport we spotted a crowd of people along the road with their cameras in hand.  She talked her dad into stopping so she could finally see her moose, and this is what she saw.  It was a beautiful scene along a stream with pretty fall colors, but no moose.  Poor Jaime!

The next day Bob found a hike he thought would be fun, so we gave it a try.  First we crossed this little bridge.  Not bad!  Not high or steep!

The trail then went up some rock steps.  It's funny how when the glaciers moved the rocks they formed these nice, easy to climb steps!

Did I show you how the trails in Acadia National Park are marked?  They have these sign posts with the trail names and their mileage listed.  

The trail we took was called Jordon Cliffs Trail, and this time I did say no.  This is as far as we went because I wasn’t ready to climb across more cliffs.  We had lunch here, along the trail, and our view of Jordon Pond was great!

Our trip back down the trail had nice views too, but this is Acadia, and it’s all so beautiful.

Some trails are marked like this, with their names carved into a tree trunk. 

We had lunch along this trail, and it looks like Bob’s tired of waiting for me to get done taking pictures.

More steps.  No, they’re not really left by the glaciers.  I was kidding!!!!

Look Jaime and Beth!  I actually hiked through the cave before dad and didn’t panic!  Good old mom!

Don’t you just love the way that little bridge is “carefully” placed across the crevasse?

This is the view from our camper at our campground near Bar Harbor.  We could see Frenchmen’s Bay, and it was hard to leave this campground.  But we’ll be back!

Next blog will find us heading south.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Look Who Came for a Visit!!

We keep telling Jaime and Beth how much we enjoy Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park, and we know they’d enjoy it too.  Beth came to visit when we were in Denver last year, and we were waiting for company again.

There’s the plane, and it’s on time!

Here they are!

Jaime and Conner came to stay with us for a few days and see why we like Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park so much.  Katie and her daddy stayed at home in Florida.

Jaime and her family live in Tampa, on the Gulf coast, and Jaime wanted Conner to see the Atlantic Ocean.  We took them to Sand Beach in Acadia for a look.

Conner asked if the water was cold and we went to test it and see.

Grammy had as much fun doing this as Conner did!

We had to watch that wave because his mommy didn’t want him to have wet feet.

Let’s try it again!

Next we drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain.  It was cold, and windy, but it’s so pretty up there on a clear day.

Jaime’s so proud of her sweet little boy.

He’s such a cutie.

Jaime, Grammy, Conner, and Pappy at the top of Cadillac Mountain.

Jaime and Bob wanted to hike, so Conner and I took the bus to town.  I didn’t get any pictures of him on the bus, but he loved his first bus ride.

Yes, he took her up The Beehive, and she loved it.  Fortunately, neither Jaime or Beth have inherited my fear of heights.

It was a beautiful day so, after their hike, we had lunch at Jordon Pond.  There’s Conner and his cheesy grin and bunny hands again.

This boy LOVES ice cream!!

I told Conner that when he came to visit in Acadia we’d take them for a carriage ride.  Unfortunately it was cold and rainy but, when you promise a carriage ride you go on the carriage ride, no matter what the weather is like.  Conner likes my Steelers hat!

The girls in the stable took Conner to meet the horses because he was a good little boy while we waited.

He’s ready, slicker, Steelers hat, jacket, sweatshirt, and all.

Doesn’t this look like it’s going to be fun?

The carriage was pretty.  It was like a private ride because everyone else cancelled because of the rain.

When the ride was over, and we were cold and wet, I asked Conner if he had fun and he answered, in his loud little boy voice, “I really did!”  That made it all worth while.

We found this cute little lobster one morning.

Conner loves his Pappy, and is happiest when he holds Pappy’s hand.

Next on our list:  lobster dinner!

That’s a lot of lobster for a four year old.

He had fun with the claw, but ate most of the 2 1/2 pound lobster.  That kid can eat for such a skinny little guy!

Conner inherited the Thomas sweet tooth, so there were marshmallows that needed to be toasted. 

We had a fun visit with Jaime and Conner and hated to see them go.

We’re hoping that Beth comes to see us next year when we’re in Acadia.  Hint, hint!