Our cruise started in Vancouver. We didn’t see much of Vancouver because our flight was delayed, and delayed, and delayed again until it was cancelled and we had to spend the night in Chicago.
We sailed under this suspension bridge and I realized that I don’t like bridges from this point of view either.
Here’s Bob relaxing on our first day on the ship.
I liked it too!
This is our cabin which was little but nice, especially the little balcony.,
The first day’s view from our balcony.
We look excited and ready to go. At least one of us looks excited.
They had a nice pool with a few hardy souls swimming around. Not us!
Ah! Ice cream! You can’t keep Bob Thomas away from ice cream. He was happy!
The lobby with the grand staircase ala Titanic.
We got gussied up for the formal dinner. The food on the ship was great!
Elvis was on the cruise too!
We’re getting ready to dock in Ketchikan. It’s tucked right along the coast,.
Seaplanes were everywhere.
I guess they fly into work and park their planes right behind their place of business.
I loved this area in Ketchikan.
We hiked a little way down this trail.
We decided to give zip lining a try, and took a speedy little boat across the bay to get there,.
Bob’s happily suited up. He doesn’t look it, but trust me, he was happy and ready to go,
I, on the other hand, could think of a million things I’d rather do than zip line. Bob had a ball, and I survived.
When we got to Skagway we decided to take the train to the Yukon Territory. We rode the White Pass & Yukon Railroad which follows the route miners took during the gold rush days.
It was a long train filled with tourists!
See that trestle bridge on the left. The train went right across that rickety looking thing.
It was wooden and didn't look very strong.
No, that’s not two miners looking for gold. It’s us!
Downtown Skagway.
This building was left from the Gold Rush days.
This is how they cleared the snow off the tracks. The train is officially retired, but they had to use it a few years ago when the snow got too deep.
Now we're off to see the glaciers, and it'll be our next blog post. No, that's not our ship leaving without us. It' s just another ship filled with people having fun.