Before we left home I read about a place in Alabama where they sell unclaimed baggage from airlines. We came here to see the store, but we found something we like much better – Goose Pond Colony! We we stayed two weeks but wished it could have been longer.

You can see Bob relaxing in our camper with his new fishing hole in the window behind him.

Goose Pond Colony is a campground owned by the city of Scottsboro, Alabama on the banks of Lake Guntersville and the Tennessee River. The lake is a 69,000 acre lake rated as one of the best fishing holes in the South for bass, crappie, and catfish.

The guy in the camper near us just happened to have a bass boat, and he asked Bob if he wanted to go fishing with him. Did he want to???

Yes, he certainly did!

Off they went. Good luck Bob!

Look at this! He caught a bass, and a nice one too!

Unfortunately, Bob’s friend Madison practices catch and release, so there was no bass for dinner.

I think Bob has adjusted to this retirement business pretty well.

He went fishing without Madison and caught this nice stringer of crappie and bream. He didn't put them back, they were yummy!

While Bob fished I drove into Scottsboro for First Monday. They had an assortment of vendors along the Courthouse building, and it was a fun day for me.

I also visited Hammer’s, the old store on the square that reminded me of a store in Steelton my mom and Grammy used to shop in when I was little. Anyone remember Solomon’s? Most of their items for sale were on big tables, not on hangers. It was like a trip back through time. I bought a jar of pickled okra. Yum!

Bob could walk to either of these docks to fish.

This one was next to our camper.

Our campsite.

I almost forgot, there were two championship golf courses here too, and we could see this green from our camper. No, we didn’t golf. Not enough time!

I biked to the marina to watch the action, and I could also watch Bob fishing near here. From here you can watch people fish or golf.

There was a lot of action this day because they held the McDonald’s Big Bass Splash this weekend. It lasted for two days, and there were many, many boats and fishermen competing. The first prize was a bass boat and trailer plus $1,000 and a bass shirt.

I couldn’t figure out what this tube was for. Can you?

The boat, motor and trailer are the first prize. Pretty nice!

The fishermen put their fish in a plastic bag and take it to be weighed.

After they weighed the fish they took them to this tank to be rejuvenated in special water.

After the fish is happy again they pick it up and put it in the tube which slides the fish back into the lake! How clever!

Bob’s wishing he’d catch the big bass and win that boat.

That’s a pretty nice sized bass, but not the winner. The winner weighed 9.52 pounds!
We really enjoyed our time here at Goose Pond Colony and plan on coming back again next year. We did take a couple of road trips during our stay here, and they’ll be our next post.