Sunday, September 21, 2014

Our Newest Grand

Yes!  We have another grandbaby, and we think she’s really grand!  She was born two days before Christmas.  What a wonderful Christmas gift!
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Meet Quinn Thomas Cox.  Isn't she pretty! 
Beth, Andrew, and Baby Quinn.
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I think she’s saying, “I love you Gammy!”
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Beth said she loves her stroller rides.
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Quinn looks so much like Beth when she was a baby.
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She’s showing Pappy her new walking skills.
Here they are:  Conner, Katie, and Baby Quinn.  Our three Grands, and we just think they’re all GRAND!
Katie was so happy when Aunt Beth said she could hold Baby Quinn.  She didn’t know babies are so wriggly!  
Conner really loves Quinn.  He’s such a big boy, and loves to help his baby cousin. 
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We all love our new Baby Quinn!