Friday, March 22, 2013

Conner Comes For a Visit

Conner was our next visitor, and he’s such a nice little guy.  Of course, any Pappy and Grammy would say that, but this time it’s true!

Conner  is in his Spiderman jacket and ready to see Animal Kingdom.

He wore his little Mickey cap and kept watching out the bus window to find the Mouse.

He’s still talking about “It’s a Bug’s Life” and claims that’s what make his pants so wet.  It was rainy day, and there were puddles to jump over into, but he insists that the bugs spit all over him.

Get used to it Conner, even now that Pappy’s retired we still have to wait for him to finish his “important” phone calls.

The Bone Yard was definitely planned for a five year old boy.

He loved climbing over everything!

He loved the slides too, and tried every one.  We stayed in there a long, long time.


OK, Grammy liked this slide too!

Pappy helped him climb this rope thing, and they liked it a lot.

Conner drove the dinosaur and made it go up and down, and up and down.

They touched the alligator and told me it felt like leather, not creepy.

When we picked Conner up we brought his bike too.  No training wheels anymore for this big kid, and he rides two speeds: stop and FAST!

Jaime and Ron came for Conner so Katie could visit us at Fort Wilderness and ride one of Cinderella’s ponies.

They loved the pool at Fort Wilderness and Conner had another slide to try out.  We could tell when he was coming down because he always let out a loud whoop.  He’s a little guy and the lifeguard kept watching him, but he swims like a fish. 

Before they left for home we took Katie for her pony ride, but Cinderella’s ponies couldn’t take her for a ride that day.  They were working on the stables, and there were no rides for our little princess.  Next year, Katie!

We had fun with Conner and Katie, but stay tuned because we had one more visitor, and we had a another great weekend.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Time to Head South

Christmas is over, Beth went back to Pittsburgh, and it’s time to head south.  It snowed six inches the day after Christmas, rained and iced on top of that, and two days later we had four more inches of snow.  We’re out of here!!!
Before we left Bob had a few things to take care of, like shoveling that snow and ice off the camper!  Be careful Bob!!

You can see a small drift on the roof, and the trees all looked so pretty, but it was cold!

Ha!  No snow here in South Carolina. 

We’re here at Fort Wilderness for a month and just look at those flowers.  We’re not in the frozen North anymore!

Campers at Fort Wilderness love their golf carts, and enjoy decorating them.

We saw Segway tours go past, there are a lot of bikes all the time, you can run, walk, or go for a wagon ride.  There’s always something to do at Fort Wilderness.

I almost forgot, there are canoe rides and a nice swimming pool, with a big slide!

Or, you can always run a half marathon.  That’s what Jaime and I decided to do. 

Cinderella’s Castle was all decked out in shimmering blue lights, and looked gorgeous!

Bob, our faithful race photographer, woke up early, fought the crowds, and was ready for us to come streaking zipping running past!

We were able to find him in the crowd and posed for a picture.

I look tired, but we woke up REALLY, REALLY EARLY!!!!  The race starts at 5:30 A.M. and they want you to get there an hour early.  Crazy!

As usual, my post half marathon celebration includes a half of a bag of Cheese Puffy’s, which we all know is the most delicious food ever!

Running with Jaime was fun, and we love it at Fort Wilderness.  We had a great time with a lot of visitors, so keep reading and you’ll find out who else came to stay with us at Fort Wilderness.